Can Hard Pull Inquiries Be Avoided When Applying for Business Credit?

If you want business credit, but you don't want hard inquiries reporting on your personal credit, this article is for you. 

We only offer business credit with a personal guarantee since many of our clients don’t have seasoned businesses with 80 Paydex Scores, business bank statements, business merchant accounts, profit and loss statements, or business tax returns showing the performance of their business.

Being that we offer business credit with a personal guarantee, business credit card companies will want to pull your credit to see your credit worthiness as a borrower.

However, you will not receive hard pull inquiries from 100 Percent Financed when applying.

You more than likely will receive hard pull inquiries after you’re awarded business credit; however, you can still buy real estate even with those hard pull inquiries.

Plus, once you receive the business credit, it won’t show up on your credit report unless you default.

Watch the webinar below to learn more about business credit.

Free business credit webinar:

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